Sunday 4 May 2008

Intoxication - "pass me a bevvy"

I wanted, as we're getting to the end of blogging for this module, to look at an issue which I've touched upon briefly before - is getting out of your head, in whatever manner you choose, intrinsically bad, irrespective of any other concerns (such as physical health or the emptiness of you wallet)?

See, my biggest problem with drugs, and booze for that matter, is that I'm embarrassed by the need to escape from the world in that way - looking at the world through the bottom of a glass, or the smoke of a joint. And nearly all of us do it - have something physically intoxicating that we do on a regular basis. And I'm not talking about getting that way because your unhappy or stressed, although that can be part of it, I'm just talking 'bout your normal Friday night.

I guess I'm trying to deconstruct why we enjoy these activities so much. When Joe Bloggs (by the way, has anyone ever, in the history of the world ever, been called Joe Bloggs?) is working in the week he, quite naturally, looks forward to the weekend and not being at work. But your same average person also looks forward to getting a skinfull on a Friday night. Is it simply that it is an activity that has an intrinsic happiness attached to it? Or is it something that allows that person to unwind from a stressful week because there's a chance that getting pissed will make him forget, and narrow his focus to the here and now for a couple of hours (as he's not so capable of doing anything else)? The second to me sounds so very much like dependency, like running away, like hiding - even if you're having fun. So which is it? The same question can obviously also be applied to drugs.

I don't know. I'm not sure anyone does - but it is something that worries me every time i look forward to going out and getting drunk because i know I'll be able to unwind. I'm ashamed to be hiding, and wish that i didn't need to.

The flip side of course is that if nearly everyone does it, and has done for millenia, then maybe we're meant to be able to hide from and forget life for a while to actually be able to carry on with it in the long term. And i don't dismiss that possibility - I'm just not convinced.

In terms of alcohol, here is what the Royal College of Psychiatrists has to say:


Fran helped me make this said...

I really enjoyed this blog, largely because you share many of my own thoughts in regard to drinking.

On a personal note, I only associate drinking with socialising and being able to as you put it unwind.

As I know we both enjoy a drinky everynow and then, I think its fascinating to define the distinction between recreational drinking and drinking dependantly and maybe more importantly drinking alone.

Nice blog

stundreded said...

I've just read your blog on getting bladdered at the weekend. As a 'reformed alcoholic', I have mixed feelings about what you're saying. See, I know that if I even had a sip of booze, I'd be off again - and as for drinking socially, I'm afraid that's definately a thing of the past in my world.

My drinking started socially, but then gradually and insidioulsy became a real problem. As your tolerance levels rise, obviously you need more booze to have the desired effect. I ended up being slaughtered 24/7 (it's one way of avoiding a hangover, although not really recommended!)

What I can't get my head around is hearing people bragging to each other about puking, forgetting things, getting into fights and so on. I think to myself that if they're not careful they're going to end up in the same boat as I did.

Just for the record, I was drinking for about 20 years - but I am 'dry' now and have been for three years, two months and four days!