Sunday 27 April 2008

le singe fume la pipe...

Smoking... always a divisive topic. Even for smokers. You see, i count myself as one of that number, yet, in my short yet colourful life, have started, given up (briefly), started again, given up for three years, and then, last August, started again. And then, with a cough i haven't been able to rid myself of (alas, at the age of 22), have sort of, maybe, given up... possibly.

And automatically, i would say anything to reproach the idea that it was physically addictive. It is always an emotional attachment. To my youth, or time for myself in a hectic world. Which may or may not be utter bol**cks, as i have been craving one unreservedly while i have been sick, doing nothing in my flat, having all the time in the world to myself, and to do anything else that has a ringing attachment to my life. That's the thing about smoking. It messes you up and convinces you it's a fab idea.

So why, other than weighty addiction, do people do it? Why start?

I think we will probably see some real similarities drawn between my thoughts on smoking and on drugs, but if can try and be specific to smoking i will. You see, for me, it's always going to be a complicated mix of factors, and if i could be so bold, probably for everyone else as well.

To be cool? Quite possibly. To rebel? As before. But, like all smokers, i honestly believe it's hard to put you finger on it. As a friend of mine said about self harm, 'if i understood why i started, I'd still be doing it'. It think that rings true about smoking. It ends up as a craving... emotional and physical. So is it bad? That would be the crux. Well... it kills you, hooks you, and empties you pockets. But i quite enjoy it. I never said it would be simple...
And, just for a change (though i can hardly agree), here is the premier pro-smoking British group,

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